A Quaker’s View

“The test of the vitality of a religion is to be seen in its effect upon culture.”
Elton Trueblood
Elton Trueblood

“Much of our present tragedy lies in the fact that many who want to be part of Christ’s cause cannot feel at home in any of the major forms which the contemporary Church takes.

“They are looking for a bold fellowship, and what they find is a complacent society concerned to an absurd degree with its own internal politics or so unimaginative as to suggest that the world can be saved by three hymns and a sermon or a Mass.

“Many contemporary seekers cannot abide the Church as they see it, their dissatisfaction arising not from the fact that membership demands too much, but rather from the fact that the demands are too small. It helps our humility to admit that some of the critics may be on the right track.”

-Elton Trueblood















3 thoughts on “A Quaker’s View

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  1. Strange; I’m aware of a few Quaker gatherings. They are complacent little groups who do the same thing all the time. They are dying. Perhaps the Amish are a better example of a bold fellowship concerned about their culture (they make their own)? It is also strange that so many people admire the Amish until they decide to become one. Heh. Just sayin

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    1. Goes to show all traditions have problems, all denominations need regular reform, and if the Quakers accepted his prophetic warnings in 1961 their movement might not be the dwindling complacent fellowships you now know! 🙂 There is always a heavy price to pay for ignoring writing on the wall.

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  2. Special preview: these quotes are a tease for an article coming tomorrow based on part of Elton Trueblood’s book, “The Company of the Committed”!


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