The Pain of a Prodigal: Why Children of Christian Parents Abandon the Faith

From God Interest magazine, some thoughts on why an increasing number of people, particularly Millennials, consider themselves as "Nones" - people without any religious affiliation at all. We think they make some good suggestions about how faith needs to be taught and practiced more in the home - many Millennials grew up with a faith... Continue Reading →


The story of a Millennial walking the faith with God in career – “With Satan working so hard to get me to leave this place, it actually reveals how much God needs me to be here.” It’s always amazing and encouraging to see Millennials taking on their workplace as a ministry and developing “church” everywhere they go by the relationships they build! Check out the full article in the link to Joy Dreamer’s blog!

Make time for quiet moments...


Everyone handles it differently.

For years, I’d felt stuck and prayed for a change – a new city or a new job. Something drastic. And then unexpectedly, September 2016 sparked a major change in my life. My husband and I were offered jobs at a university in a new city over 1,000 miles away from our families.

And then a wave of change began. A new city. A new career. No family. No friends.

With all the drastic change in such a short period of time, I wasn’t sure what to expect or how to handle myself, but I was excited to start something new. I started my new job, worked hard to learn as much as I could while getting to know the new people who I worked with in an unfamiliar work environment. It was challenging to say the least.

This new job was in a career…

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