Popular Atheist Blogger, Leah Libresco, Converts to Christianity.

A great read from James Bishop, Apologist

Bishop's Encyclopedia of Religion, Society and Philosophy


Leah Libresco is a writer and school systems analyst based in Washington D.C. She is also a writer for the Huffington Post and graduated from Yale University in 2011 with a B.A. in political science (1).

Libresco, a popular former atheist blogger at the website Patheos, recounts a remarkable worldview transition from atheism to Christianity, and specifically Catholicism (2). As the motto of Pathos goes the site intends to host “the conversation on faith,” however a large chunk of it is dominated by atheists and their arguments against religion. It was with this crowd that Libresco had a popular following and readership.

Libresco, having been brought up in an atheist household, was exposed to a particular non-religious setting from a young age, “I grew up on Long Island, where most of the people I knew were non-religious Jews. So, religion was so far from most of our minds…”…

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Reactivating the Body (part 3 of 3)

The Priesthood of Believers – Unleashing the Millennials! So the masses should minister, and paid clergy should train and empower them? Is there Scriptural precedent for this? Naturally! The entire New Testament. Paul made tents for a living, he wasn’t a paid pastor. He made it his purpose to disciple others and raise them to... Continue Reading →

And other duties as assigned

Picture it: Sicily, 1922. Just kidding. Picture it: Your workplace, last week. Your boss assigns a task that has absolutely nothing to do with your actual job. On top of that, he's trying to make 20 different changes to deep-seated office culture over the course of 18 weeks. AND his tone of voice is always super... Continue Reading →

Reactivating the Body (part 1 of 3)

Ministry of the Masses - Emptying the Pews: We’ve explained how “church” can mean different things. There is “church” (lower case) which describes a business that provides religious leaders and services. And “Church” (upper case) which is the whole body of Christians who act as the Body of Christ. This second definition has no institutional... Continue Reading →

Is Christianity Dead?


Well folks, another Christmas is in the books!

Christmas 2K16 is officially behind us. The eggnog has been consumed. Gifts gifted. Food coma endured. And for those brave souls who took on a real tree this year, its pine needles are officially all over the floor and will be mysteriously appearing in randomcrevicesfor the next 4 months.


Ever since I was of “appropriate age,” my family has always gone to Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve. It is one of my favorite memories and traditions. The caroling at 11pm. The candles. The trumpets. For the past, say, 15+ years, we have been going, and every year, we’d always get there right at 11:00, throwing elbows, and staking out our pew, as it is always standing room only. And don’t even bother coming at 11:15…because there will be no parking and you’re guaranteed to be standing – two deep – in the…

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Our Contributors

Jared's a park ranger at a zoo, loves mentoring people and leads a house church. He's convinced Millennials will improve the world precisely by questioning and renewing institutions like churches. Read Jared's posts     Andy K. is follower of Christ, and a non-commissioned priest. He believes the church should be something the world sees as... Continue Reading →

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