This Fateful Hour

One of my favorite book series is the Time Quintet by Madeline L'Engle. Within that series, there is a book called A Swiftly Tilting Planet. L'Engle puts her own spin on Saint Patrick's Breastplate in the story; the characters use it as a sort of prayer/spell hybrid to defeat the "powers of darkness." Here's her version of the... Continue Reading →

State of the Faith Part 2: Where’s the Fruit?

Today, there are a greater number of people claiming to be followers of Jesus who are practicing Complacent Christianity. As I stated in part one, they are following tradition and are taking part in a “Christian Culture” phenomenon. The profession of faith is there. Many believe that to be a Christian, all one needs to... Continue Reading →

Grace: The Fifth Layer of Our Foundation

It is God’s desire that every person becomes a believer; and every believer is able to serve in God’s Kingdom regardless of their background or past failures – we call this practicing personal ministry. "Grace, grace, God's grace... Grace that is greater than all our sin..." Words from one of my favorite hymns when I... Continue Reading →

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