The Gospel Is Supposed To Be Good News

Sometimes a Christian author really nails it. We wanted to share this post with you all because it sums up so much of what we like to talk about on our blog. Let’s be honest, the modern American church has the reputation of making people captives to whatever arbitrary and stringent man-made laws are – a judgmental body of believers who decide who is in and who is out based on things God never said is the norm. Yet the Gospel is supposed to be “Good News” – not bad news. Check out Rethink Now’s article on what we’ve missed and where we need to go from here. “It’s time the church starts living and talking about the GOOD news again.”

4 thoughts on “The Gospel Is Supposed To Be Good News

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  1. It is too sad when we have messed up the gospel and it is only a thing for salvation. We need to live on that blessed glow of the gospel, daily !! And praise the God who made it all possible for me a sinner saved by His Grace !!

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    1. I love that phrase, blessed glow of the gospel! It should show! We often say, “If the church is a light, it should expect to attract bugs.” The good news is that all of us, in our sinful unattractiveness, are welcomed to the table!

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